Saints Always Spread The Message For The Welfare Of Humanity
It is often thought that the welfare of the mankind depends upon the economic and materialistic progress, worldly pleasures and comforts on physical level. But saints know that these can never be the source of welfare of mankind. Even kings and emperors could not redeem themselves despite having treasures of wealth and worldly comforts. Sometimes it is thought that education can contribute to the welfare of mankind. No doubt that education has its own importance, but in India literacy is quite low on account of large population and lack of sufficient facilities available for all. This is why a large number of children cannot get educated. It is not to undermine the value of education, but the saints know that it is the realization of truth that leads to the real welfare of mankind. This adds value to our life and we achieve the real aim of life and leave the world with honor. As such we also contribute our bit. This is why saints and sages endeavour to spread this message for the welfare of humanity and awaken man from slumber to move in this direction.
Darkness Of Ignorance Can Be Dispelled By The Light Of God Knowledge
We know how people are groping in the darkness of ignorance today and have strayed from the path of humanism. They will not tread on the right path until they are spiritually enlightened. God-devotion implies leading a normal life or relaxed life. However, those imbibing misconceptions, cannot be peaceful. If a cat crosses their path, they change the path ( for fear of a calamity): they imbibe superstitions and therefore are in bondage. A frog in the well regards the well as the whole world. Only on coming out of the well can it realize the vastness of the world and all that it consists of and the reality. What is meant is that only by shedding the misconceptions can one realize the truth-the Eternal Religion. The exhortation is to shed and not to imbibe misconceptions: to shed the misconceptions and to realize the truth in order to attain salvation. The devotees spread the light of Truth because the darkness of ignorance can be dispelled by the light and not by cursing the darkness or verbally calling for light. One may 'repeat down' with or curse darkness the whole night, it will not be dispelled until the Sun rises or a lamp is lighted. Similarly darkness of ignorance can be dispelled only by the light of God-Knowledge.