Who Wins The Hearts Is The True Conqueror
Today people imbibe hatred and violence: nations are at loggerheads with one another and there is a race for proving to be superior and more powerful. 'If the power of love overcomes the love for power, the world will see peace.' What is meant that peace can be ushered in not by hatred but by love. Hatred can never bring peace. Hatred leads to conflict. Due to hatred, the world is afire. Hatred has never benefitted anyone nor ever established peace on the earth. Has anyone who imbibes love thrown a bomb in the market and caused damage? Only the one, who imbibes hatred, commits such evil acts. The devotees are reminding us that hatred has already caused much harm: what is needed is love. A poet has rightly said, "A whole life is short for love; how do people find time for hatred?" The precious human life is sacrificed at the altar of hatred. If one has to sacrifice life, one should do for love and humanism and not for hatred. Love is a matter of heart and not of brain; Brain implies cleverness. Man's brain is full but his heart is empty. Many can win by arguments but the real winner is the one who wins the heart. And the one who wins the hearts is the true conqueror.
Be Good To The Evil Too; Do Not Get Angry
While the Mission's message is important, also important is the sense of obedience; the devotees do as hinted. They are ever happy to cooperate without complaining. May this fine sentiment prevail in the whole world. The devotees suffused with love remain devoted to the True Master and Lord God; there is no room for ego and hypocrisy. Baba Gurbachan Singh ji used to illustrate hypocrisy thus: When a person visits another person, the former welcomes the latter, saying: How fortunate, today God has visited an ant. Seating the guest in the drawing room, the host goes to the adjacent room and asks his wife: From where has the calamity come to our home? Another example, A family invited another family for dinner. Before starting the dinner, the hosts told their child to say a prayer to thank God. The child enquired of her mother what to say and the mother told her to say what she had heard from her (mother). At this the child prayed: 'O God, why on earth did I invite all these people to dinner,' as she had overheard her mother saying before the guests had arrived. What is meant is that people say something and mean something else. However, the devotees are one in word and deed.