Value Your Precious Life
If the man ponders over and starts treading the path as shown by the saints for his well-being, he is considered prudent and sensible. But if he does not follow that path and does not value his precious life and rather devalues it like a penny, he is being unwise, insensible and has proved to be imprudent. One who makes use of the precious time before it is late, understands the truth and starts moving in the right direction, he is wise and would win hands down. He has utilized this opportunity to his advantage and will be benefited here in this world as well as here after. This life is important because in order to attain redemption hereafter, one needs to take steps in this life. Nothing can be done after this life comes to an end. One can only make efforts when one is alive. If we don't take measures to mend ourselves during life time, there is no guarantee of redemption of soul or riddance from the cycle of birth and death. One has to prepare for the next world here itself. The right steps taken here from the basis of a better world hereafter. If we are dwelling in the darkness of ignorance here during life time, ignore the Truth and give preference to the false material world, we will ruin ourselves here as well as in the world hereafter. Saints continue to give this message, O man! You still have an opportunity and a chance to improve yourself.
Come Out Of Slumber Of Ignorance
You are blessed because you have got this human birth. There are eighty four lac life forms out of which one is human form. It is considered very fortunate to be born as a human because the soul which is the real entity, can realize itself and can be redeemed. The soul can find its identity. This is possible only in human life. The saints caution man to come out of slumber of ignorance. He needs to wake up because if he continues to be in slumber, he will lose the game of life. It is imperative to be awake. Nobody can achieve anything by sleeping. That's why the messages given by all the saints are only to awaken the man. It is not the time to sleep, rather it is time to wake up. This human life is a golden opportunity as one can get redemption in this life only- there is no second opportunity. If you don't wake up now, when will you get up. If you lose this life, there will be only darkness around. Therefore, why don't we enlighten ourselves now so that this light of Truth is carried with us hereafter. The steps will have to be taken in this life time. We must get awakened now. We need to realize the Truth now and connect the soul to the super soul and the soul must know its true self. Saints consider this as an important task.