The One Who Loves Is Truly Religious
The real purpose of religion was to unite the people but today it is doing just opposite i.e. dividing the people. What divides cannot be a religion: Compassion is the base of religion and pride of sin. Tulsi forsake not compassion till the end. But today, religion is proving the greatest cause of destruction. Whichever the country, religion plays a major role. As already stated, religion is meant for unite: It is the first lesson of Holy book that all humans are God’s family. If one has not learnt this first lesson, what has one learnt? In the Holy city Kashi, St Kabir watched what the religious persons were doing: reading and reciting the scriptures, bathing in the holy rivers, rotating the beads, undertaking pilgrimages, saying prayers and applying a mark to their foreheads and considering the same as the religion! At this he said: If one did not realize God, what did one gain? By merely reading and reciting the scripture one cannot be a Pandit( religious scholar). The one who learns to love is a Pandit. In fact, the one who loves is truly religious. Religion is not a religion if it devides the people and causes harm to humans by humans. Religion unites and infuses love.
Be A Human
Today people are fighting over diverse names of God: they stand divided on the grounds of caste, language, region, etc. Our effort is that man may understand that notwithstanding several different names, God is one and all humans are His children. May all understand this simple truth and bear goodwill for all. When all humans live on the same earth, why are they fighting? May they learn to live in peace and harmony. Time passes and new generations come up but hatred continues to exists. Saints and devotees have always striven for human unity so that man may come closer to man, sharing each other’s pain and pleasure. Today too, the same message is being given: Man understand that all humans are created by God; why should they bear ill will and fight? The one who bears ill will, hatred and jealousy shall have to pay a heavy price. The situation is deteriorating day by day. The countries which had never witnessed violence in the past are now mired in it because man does not act on the teachings of the Holy beings. Holy beings have always given the same message and endeavoured that at birth one is simply a human. Who can tell whether a newly born child is a Hindu or Muslim, a Jew or Christian, a Punjabi or Rajasthani, etc. He is devoid of such an identity as that of religion today. The Holy Masters say: All humans belong to one race. Light dwells in all humans, male or female; all are created by God. Besides the Holy beings, poets and singers also give the same message. A poet has aptly said: Be not a Hindu or Muslim, Be a human.