Follow The True Religion Of Humanism
Those, who repose faith in God and are dedicated to humanity, believe that holy beings established the religion of humanism, a universal religion. If we follow the religion of humanism, there will be no walls, no alienation, no strife, no extremism, no violence and no killing of humans in the name of religion. Let us bear in mind that holy beings established the religion of humanism but the followers distorted it and instead of uniting, it divided and alienated humans from humans. Instead of love, it inculcated hatred due to which the earth has turned into a hell. It is so because we have not understood and followed the true definition of religion, as laid down and preached by the holy beings. Consequently, violence prevails even at places which were peaceful. The devotees are giving the message: Man, follow the true religion of humanism. Having been born as a human, you should conduct yourself as a human. Human life is rare and, having been blessed with it, if man does not conduct himself as a human, it is nothing but a great misfortune and there cannot be greater foolishness than this. Man should avail himself of the rare opportunity lest it should be said: Human life is like a precious pearl but is being wasted away like a cowrie.
We Should Lead A Noble Life
While we talk about salvation of the soul, we also talk about imbibing human values. We have to do both to have best of both the worlds-redemption of the soul and enlightenment of the mind. In other words, we have to liberate our soul from the birth-death cycle as well as to conduct ourselves as true humans. We should lead a noble life and not indulge in hatred, enmity and slander. We can be successful here hereafter if we realize our true identity and eternal abode-Self- realization through God-realization. Man should therefore know his true identity for his salvation. Holy being exhort man to know God who is not apart from him. The Entity is somewhere else but man is searching for it somewhere else! He can find it only, when he is helped by knower. Nothing is so proximate as God, but despite His being so near, people do not recognize Him. In other words, one is at the goal and yet away from it. It is said that God is nearer than the jugular vein but it is also essential to know Him when one is blessed with the divine vision but a Satguru or True Master and his ignorance is dispelled.