One Can Know God Only When Helped By A Knower Of God
It is good to glorify God and study the scriptures. But one should not be content with mere reading and reciting the scriptures but one should also know God and imbibe love. Says Saint Kabir: The pandit dilates on the scriptures and talks about God whom he has not known. He says what he has heard or read, while I say what I have seen with my own eyes. Unless blessed with God Knowledge, God cannot be known. Although God is near, man is bewildered because he does not know him. An illustration: A person at Delhi had some work which could be accomplish by an officer posted at Mumbai. He boarded the train for Mumbai and throughout the journey was worried about the meeting. When he reached the office of the concerned officer at Mumbai, to his surprise, he found that officer happened to be a co-passenger who had travelled with him right from Delhi to Mumbai. Since he did not recognize the officer, he spent the whole journey in worrying. Had he known the officer, he would have been free from the worry. Says Saint Kabir: One can know God only when helped by a knower of God.
It Is Better To Light A candle Than To Curse Darkness
God can be known by the grace of a Satguru or True Master and not by penance or retiring to mountains or caves. No doubt, by such deeds people may attain occult powers but God can be realized only through the medium of a True Master. Without the grace of a True Master one cannot swim across the ‘worldly ocean', may be a Brahma(god of creation) or Shiva ( God of destruction). Sage Ramananda was the medium through whom saint Kabir realized God and Sage Ravidas was the medium for Meera Bai for God realization. Such a medium is named as Guru, Guide, Friend or Murshid. The medium can be called by any name but the attainment of the goal is possible only in the company of saints, God-realized or Lighted Lamps. When a lamp of God Knowledge touches an unlit lamp, it lights the latter. There is no other way to dispel the darkness of ignorance. There is an English saying: It is better to light a candle than to curse darkness. Ignorance is darkness and due to the darkness the mind is deluded. So long as the mind (jiva) does not attain the light of God-Knowledge, it cannot realize its origin. The darkness of ignorance and delusion of the mind can be dispelled when it is lit with the light of God-Knowledge.