Non-Violence Is The Highest Religion
We often read in the newspapers people losing temper on travails, as for example, a person overtaking car or a vehicle just touching another vehicle or someone not giving way to another: at times, people even kill each other on such grounds. Now violence is even spreading in the schools: children beating each other. We indulge in violence in all spheres of life. Holy beings teach that non-violence is the highest religion. It is an established fact that those, who indulge in violence, are creating chaos and fear and causing loss. Let us follow the teachings of the holy beings and mould our life accordingly. In this way love flourish and peace be strengthened. Instead of spreading, let us contain, nay curb the violence. For this we have to give importance to the holy teachings. In the prevailing environment even if one wishes to tread the path of peace and humanism, circumstances are created so that one is unable to do so.
Holy Beings Always Give Us Right Direction
When we witness the sad condition of the world, we are pained. We have just heard that the devotees have risen above the base feelings such as provincialism and lingualism. In this way, they strengthen the unity of the country. It is often heard that we have achieved freedom 66 years ago. Have we forgotten that our culture is thousands of years old? Our culture heritage is of thousands of years but we have forgotten it and are swayed by selfishness and ambitions. We raise issue after issue and weaken the country. What is needed is that country be strengthened and the citizens lead a happy and peaceful life, imbibing the spirit of cooperation and universal brotherhood. This will help in turning the earth into a heaven. This is our wish as also prayer that all may live in peace and harmony. The people are running a mad race of materialism which is causing harm. Tolstoy, the renowned writer asked, How much land does a person require? He requires only two yards of land for burial! In other words, man is running madly. That is why it is said that every walk is not reaching. Reaches the one who knows the right direction and the destination. Holy beings always give us right direction.