The light of God-knowledge dispels all misconceptions and misunderstandings. On misconceptions and misunderstandings having been dispelled, there is no duality. Now one beholds God dwelling in everyone, irrespective of one's diet, dress or culture. With this perception, all doubts and delusions vanish. With such a perception, we will not discriminate between one persons and another. When there is no discrimination, there is no hatred: none is considered alien or foe, high or low. On rising above casteism, one imbibes this perception: When the same Divine Light shines in all, none is good or bad. Again: Do not be misled, God is in the creation and the creation is in God; God is all-pervading. Blessed with the divine perception, one beholds the Divine everywhere, at every moment and in every being. Such perception is based on truth and so are one's thoughts. One imbibes love and sheds hatred because the cause of hated is gone. Now one owns all; no one is alien. If we have such perception, the fragrant environment of love will prevail all around.
Holy Being Always Inspire Human Beings To Attain Truth
There is the creation and the Creator. There is always a change in the creation but not the Creator. The waves rise and fall but the sea itself is the same. Whether or not waves exist, the sea always exists. Similarly, if there is the creation there must be the Creator. If there were not creation, the Creator would still be there. Even if the creation vanishes, the Creator shall exist. If we compare the creation and the Creator, which one is more important? Important is the one who was, is and shall be. Holy beings inspire man for realising the One who is most important because human salvation lies in realising the One. Only if man identifies himself with the One, he can be redeemed. Only then man will make sacrifices and serve others. Otherwise, not to speak of serving others, he will loot and kill others. That is why holy beings wish well of every human being and inspire him to attain truth. They exhort everyone to ponder over what is good for him and what should he attain as enshrined in the scriptures. They inspired not only those who have not studied the scriptures but also those who have read and heard the scriptures but have not pondered over the same. Such people believe that mere reading and reciting the scriptures brings merit. In such, it is not a matter of merit or demerit, rather it pertains to God-realization. Mere reciting and hearing the scriptures is quite common but mere hearing and reading is of little avail if one has not realised God.