We Have To Be Tolerant
Today, we are seeing the breaking of families, because if the family members are not tolerant to each other than the very fabric of the family gets shattered and so does the happiness. It flies away quickly like a bird running high in the sky with the aid of his strong wings. The saints and sages have, therefore, taught us to always remain tolerant. We have to co-exist peacefully. We have to appreciate the differences. Saints talked about unity, not uniformity. Saints teach us the importance of unity. But what has happened and is happening is that certain segments of society-whether they are from small religious groups or the established religions, or those individuals still divided in clans, caste and creed, are intolerant. The established religions have been making use of force to convert others. They have been spreading fear psychosis so that others adopt their religion. They want to bring uniformity – I wear a turban, you also wear a turban, otherwise you will no more be tolerated. The Prophet I respect, you also respect that Prophet. The scripture I read, you also read that scripture. Only then you are safe. So, what we are seeing is height of intolerance. And, on the other side, the awakened one's are aware of the Truth- the realized souls understand and follow teachings of the saints and Prophets. They believe in 'unity in diversity', not in uniformity. So saints, the point that has been hammered again and again is that we have to be tolerant.
With Divine Knowledge, Reach The Ultimate Destination
The seers and sages have, always proclaimed to attain the Truth-God. The entire world is considered like a dream. Only the God is permanent and constant. This world is changeable at each step and is neither stationary nor stable. The God is stationary, calm, pious, permanent, self manifested and not created. And this is the Truth worth attaining. Those having done so, have salvaged their souls in this world and the world hereafter. They get rid of the vicious cycle of births and deaths, while blissfully undertaking this life journey. Equipped with the divine wealth, they become truly rich, irrespective of living in huts or in palaces. If it is not done, that means the man keeps on treading the path of life without understanding the Truth as such the goal remains distant. I often submit that simply undertaking life journey does not mean reaching the destination, unless the journey is in right direction. Only those reach the ultimate destination who acquire deeper insight of the Divine Knowledge--realize the Truth. They not just tread the path of life but reach the ultimate destination as well. Therefore, it is stressed by saints to reach the destination that each soul has to attain only then will it attain salvation.