Keep The Glow Of God Knowledge Intact
Our souls are blessed because of the super gift of God-Knowledge has been bestowed unto us. This flame of knowledge is proving to be extremely useful in undertaking our life journey. Keep this flame glowing for ever so that we drive optimum benefit and avoid bumps and stumbles. This light has banished our superstitions and it should never be allowed to get extinguished; lest we again get trapped by the same delusions and superstitions. Saints are always alert and endeavour to keep this flame glowing irrespective of winds blowing from right or left or any other direction. The wind doesn't stop and keeps on doing its job as it has also been created by Almighty. Yet, we protect the flame by covering it with our palm around so that it remains safe in spite of blowing wind. In the same way, saints religiously attend congregations, indulge in God remembrance and despite wavering world situations, they tread the life, keeping this flame alive.
Don't Let Negativity Influence Your Mind
More the trust we place in Nirankar, more we become true gursikh. More we get dedicated to him, more we develop positive feelings in us and we do not get influenced by any negative thinking. One must have the quality to be sympathetic and useful to others in their hard times, to understand their problems and never be a trouble creator. However, leave aside showing sympathy, today, man deliberately speaks in a way and does things which cause problems and inconvenience for others. Those who strive to connect others with Lord Nirankar as well as with selfless service, God remembrance and holy congregation, not only they themselves attain spiritual heights but also help others to achieve that. Separating others is an act of weak person. The one who has a wavering self-confidence, never attends congregations, he would only work towards separating others, instead of uniting them. We have to be careful of such people. We must give preference and importance to this Lord Nirankar. The entire world is our family because we all are the children of this Lord Nirankar. We must never think or do anything harmful to others. May Nirankar bless us to carry on with this spirit not only to decorate our own lives, but also embellish the entire world.