Only The Selfless Service Is The Prime Service
There is so much exploitation because of the selfishness. But, in the eye's of the God Almighty, only the selfless service is the prime service and has the high stature and is the need of the hour. We are such egoist that we look down at others on the basis of caste, creed, colour, gender, religion, nationality etc., whereas the God created man in His own image with a spark of divinity that resides in all bodies in the form of soul. So, we have to treat every human being, like the doctors are treating them, to get them relieved from ailments causing pain in different limbs of their body like neck, back, etc. similarly, there is yet another form of pain which the soul is going through because of man's ignorance and just living at the level of worldliness. Therefore, there are so many ailments in the minds and hearts of people. Saints and seers always taught us that God pervades all souls: "Ghat Ghat Antar Sarab Niranjan Kewal Eik Murari", God dwells in all beings therefore no body is a stranger. All are one.
Self Realization Through God Realization
There is a saying wherein two eye witnesses of the same accident gave surprisingly different versions. How and what happened depends on how each one of us perceives it. People are carrying the baggage of ignorance. Just like earlier, it was thought that earth is not round but flat and the one who said to the contrary was challenged on the ground that ancestors who said the earth was flat, could not be wrong. He was threatened to be killed or burnt alive for merely uttering that the earth was round. Later on, the same proved that that person claiming the earth to be round was right and others were wrong. I have been reiterating that we live in ignorance, for dispelling ignorance Kabir ji has said: ‘Timir Gayo Ravi Dekhte, Kumati Gai Guru Gyan'( when the sun rises, darkness dispelled and there is light all around). There is only one method to dispel ignorance through light of knowledge. Mere reciting light would not bring light. If your room is dark, the mere recitation of ‘5000 watt power' will not remove darkness. There is only stumbling and illusions, neither repeating nor hailing it would bring light. One may draw a picture of a lighted lamp or bring a picture of a lamp with its flame. However, it would not dispel darkness. Only a real lighted lamp will dispel darkness and God Almighty is that light. Unless and until this light dwells in our lives, we shall continue to carry the baggage of ignorance. Therefore, saints awaken and caution us that we better realise the Truth and know our real identity and position ourselves in the self. That is why it is said: "Know Thyself". "Self realization through God realization".