We Should Take Care of Ourselves
I remember, a few years back I went to Denver Colorado. From there we went to a mountain peak by train. At the top, there was a coffee shop, serving coffee and other snacks. In a corner of the coffee shop, I saw a sign board displaying the number of dollors one has to pay for inhaling oxygen for a minute. I thought that so many dollors were being charged for providing oxygen for one minute the oxygen that makes a man's life comfortable and keep him alive. Just then, my thoughts went to God's grace and His generosity to provide us free oxygen. But like we humans do not value our life, we are not grateful for the grace of God. Rather we are ungrateful, having no consideration or feeling for others that leads to thankless attitude. So, we humans lead the life in this manner and do not value the priceless breathes that God has provided us. We breath thousands times in a day. God has given us innumerable breaths but have we valued these breaths. The bottom line is that the messages given by saints and sages are not to be treated as mere messages, but we have to ponder over them as we undertake the journey of life, each moment is frittered away. A moment that is gone is gone and will not come back. We should take care of ourselves and others and value each moment we spend.
The Only Consistent Super Power Is God
God is the only eternal and constant superpower that does not change with time; is never born and does not cease to exist on doom. Earthquakes can create movement inside earth but God is still. Worldly men give importance to illusionary world but those who value the truth live the life of devotion after God realization. They benefit themselves and the world also. Only God realization would lead to salvation of soul. Often having read the scriptures we forget the need of Guru in our lives and consider ourselves capable of self realisation. Saints say that till fire of wood is not in visible (not dormant) we cannot use it for boiling water or milk nor can we bake bread on it. Similarly, God is omnipresent but till it is perceived there is no bliss. We need to do this task while we are alive; nobody could realise God after shedding the mortal body.