Greatness Lies In Wisdom And Not In Years
There is a Persian saying, meaning 'Greatness lies in wisdom and not in years.' Hirankashyapu was elder in years and Prahlada younger. But in terms of wisdom, Prahlada proved to be elder than Hirankashyapu, his father, and is revered even today. It is also said that richness lies in being broadminded and not in material riches. Holy beings have been inspiring man to attain the wealth of God-knowledge, attaining which one learns the art of true living and imbibes an equable vision, not discrimination on the grounds of caste, race, nationality, culture, etc. For such a one man as such is important. He perceives God dwelling in every human and does not give importance to caste, creed, etc. He rises above discrimination. When one imbibes love, the world is loving. It is said that love embellishes a garden while hatred ruins it. The one who has realised God imbibes love because it is said that love is God. When one realises that one is product of love, why should one hate? We claim that God is love and we worship love, yet we bear hatred. Is it not an irony that we claim to love but we hate?
Let Us Love One Another
We feel happy at the advent of a festival or the birthday of a Holy Master. At the same time, we are fearful that people may indulge in bloodshed and there by tarnish the fair name of religion. When we regards others as others, we imbibe the feeling of enmity, and when we own others, we imbibe love and we love them. Religion teaches love, compassion, kindness and brotherhood. But due to the ignorance, religion has become the means of turning humans into beasts. In this way, religion sows the seed of hatred. There is a saying: 'There is enough of religion but not enough to love.' There are religions which inculcate the feelings of enmity, jealousy and hatred. Let us love one another. All of us dwell on the same Earth. We were to live like children of God but due to ignorance and selfishness, we hate each other. Holy beings teach that we should own all. None is alien. With such perceptions, we will own all. Holy beings have been exhorting man not to hate. Owing to ego, man is imbibing hatred, jealousy and tormenting others. Earlier, crossing the way by a cat was considered ominous by a human but now it is considered ominous if a human crosses one's way.