Reality Of Life
Once in Mumbai, a saint entered a mansion of a rich man and praised the building as well as a few household goods in it. Upon this the rich man felt flattered and started enumerating his other mansions, mills, etc, to show how rich he was. Incidentally, his child was studying a globe. The saint asked the child what the globe depicted. The child said that it shows the earth and various continents and countries. Than the saint asked that child to show him where India is. The child pointed his finger at it. Next the saint asked the child to show him Mumbai on it. The child pointed out to a dot. ‘Now show me where are your dad’s mansions and mills in it’ said the saint. The child answered, ‘Holy saint, Mumbai itself is equal to a dot’. Not to speak of mansions and mills even our residential locality cannot be shown in it. Hearing all this the rich man fell at the feet of the saint, saying, ‘My lord, you have not directly told me anything but have opened my eyes to the reality. My possessions are nothing in front of the whole creation and I am nothing in front of the creator. I was under an illusion and had forgotten my insignificance. Therefore, man should never feel proud as he is merely a drop in the ocean.
Be Human
What is meant is that apart from physical body, each person has a divine soul. Unless we understand this, neither the soul can be liberated nor can one rise above worldly distinctions and discriminations. Ignorance of this basic truth is the cause of the prevailing violence, bloodshed, greed, ego and discrimination. It is for this reason that the prevailing environment is not sublime. Holy beings have been striving to sublimate this environment. Man has to his credit so many achievements in material fields. Such achievements are praiseworthy but he has also to achieve what was to be achieved. People may call material achievements as progress e.g. use of a fork by a cannibal. Yet he is eating human flesh. Is it progress? No, it is backwardness and beastliness. It is correct that man has achieved much but he should be a human in the true sense. That is why the Mission’s following message is often reiterated: Be whatever you wish to be, But first be a human.