State Of Mind
It is to reiterate that humility is a state of mind and so are tolerance and broadmindedness. The one, who imbibes these states, enjoys bliss and earns praise and is a source of inspiration for others. Once some people were travelling by a bus and someone remarked that they were all travelling at different speeds. At this, another person asked how can people travelling by one and same bus travel at different speeds? To this he explained that though the bus was running at a certain speed, the minds of passengers were running at different speeds i.e. they were thinking differently. One wished that the bus should speed up so that he may reach destination earlier. Another passenger wished that the bus should run slowly so that he had not to wait for his friend at the terminal. Yet another passenger sat completely relaxed as was his nature. He was not bothered whether the bus ran fast or slows like a God realized person. Thus each person had a different speed or state of mind. The one, who has surrendered to God or True Master, is ever equipoise and blissful.
Devotee Is Like A Flower
A mirror does not lose its shine even when broken and continues to reflect. What is meant is that a mirror, whether it is intact or broken, reflects one image. A devotee is like a flower which smiles even amongst thorns as if it is surrounded by flowers. Again, a flower retains its importance whether it is on a branch, or fallen on the ground, otherwise it would not be threaded into a garland. Even flower petals are showered on each other on auspicious occasions. In other words, a flower whether blooming on a branch, plucked or shredded into petals, is valued. Similarly a devotee is a flower who sublimates the earth and perfumes the environment. To repeat, like flowers, the devotees embellish the earth, purify the polluted environment by their noble conduct and sublimate the world.