Let Thy Vices die Before Thee
Just think of a scenario when farmers keep on sleeping when it is growing season. They neither sow seeds, nor do they plough the land or irrigates the fields yet they hope against hope that when times comes, they would get a good harvest. But then it would be too late since seed was not sown at the appropriate time. Thus saint repeatedly caution man that time is running out fast and one can either waste or utilize the same on realizing God and to attain ‘Nirvana’ from the cycle of birth and death. It is the man who has to decide whether to give importance to material things or realize God to attain the everlasting bliss. Man needs to realize that human body is not forever. One really does not know when he would breathe his last. If one has the opportunity to realise the truth or to do good deeds, it is only possible when one is alive. After death he can do nothing. It is said, “Let thy vices die before thee”.
Non Violence Is The Highest Religion
We often read in the newspapers people losing temper on travails, as for example, a person overtaking another or a vehicle just touching another vehicle or sometime not giving the way to another: at times, people even kill each other on such grounds. Now violence is even spreading in the schools: children beating each other. We indulge in violence in all spheres of life. Holy beings teach that non-violence is the highest religion. It is an established fact that those, who indulge in violence, are creating chaos and fear and causing loss. Let us follow the teachings of the holy beings and mould our life accordingly. In this way, love will flourish and peace be strengthened.