Saints Always Shower Soothness
It is each one's responsibility to spread peace and love throughout the world. However, if there is any upheaval in our mind, or we have any anxiety or ill feelings for others, our heart will remain upset. The other person may not even have the slightest of idea about what we think about him. Yet, we already envy his presence or his thought. In this way, we ourselves become the cause of tormenting ourselves. On the other hand, if we do not encourage jealousy or any wrong feeling for anyone, then even if someone spoke critical words or had unpleasant tone, we will take these in a normal way as our mind is at peace. If there is a piece of ice in our hands, then our hand would feel coolness. However, if we hold a burning coal, we would throw it away in a second as the skin would have the burning feel. The ice gives a cool feeling and we can hold it for long. Therefore, saints have always been spreading coolness and they are doing it even today.
Let The Spirituality And Humanity Become Our Nature
We are listening about 'spirituality and humanity going hand in hand'. It is not a matter of show off for few moments, rather it is about making it as part of our nature. For example, if two flowers are kept at a distance and we are asked to recognize the real one: The first and simple indication would be to observe as to which one attracts a bee or butterfly simply because it would sit only on the real flower to suck its juice. The other flower (artificial one), despite having better looks, will not be able to attract bees or butterflies simply because they will only go to real flowers for sucking juice which they need to prepare honey. If we put a scent on a flower made of paper, it may stay there for long unlike the real flower whose petals wither away in some time. Also, the beauty or shape of the artificial flower may stay for longer, but the original flower has its own importance.