Always Keep The Company Of Saints
Man has indulged in harming others instead of doing well of them. Today religion has been misguiding men towards path of destruction. But saints have always emphasized that true religion teaches divine virtues and only those who imbibe such virtues are religious. Religion without virtues is only for name sake. It is imperative to know as to who guides us to attain the objective of human life and inculcates in us the virtues of humanism and love. Therefore saints have always advised us that we should adopt the company of such saints who make us religious in true sense, enlighten us with Truth and redeem the soul during life time. By bestowing the light of God knowledge, saints remove all our doubts and illusions and teach us how to live with love. So, we are blessed with the art of living which is so beneficial for us that it is like a boon. Therefore it is obligatory for man to keep the company of such saints.
Look For Someone Who Knows God
The spiritual masters have repeatedly counseled man: “If you are in search of God, if you have desire to know God, please look for someone who knows God. Once you find the one who is familiar with God, he will bless you with God-knowledge”. Suppose you want to learn a language, geography, history, mathematics or any other subject. There are subjects of which even names are not known to many. There are a number of sciences, a number of topics. But do we ever search for mathematics? Do we ever look for geography? No. We search for a mathematics teacher, a geography teacher, the one who has the knowledge of the subject. We send the child to such a person only. That is why the spiritual masters seek to convey this basic idea, the basic principle of man; If you find a person who is blessed with God-knowledge, you will also receive God-knowledge and thus get rid of the cycle of births and deaths.