Let God Dwells In Our Hearts
Once upon a time a man was passing through a street. He heard some people quarreling inside a house. He stopped and then went inside with the intention to resolve the dispute. He found that the quarrel was between husband and wife, quite angry with each other. The man asked them, “Why are you quarreling?” The husband told him that he wanted to make his son a doctor, while his wife was creating a fuss and insisting to make him a lawyer. The man said, “Why don’t you call your son and ask him? May be he does not want to become either. He may like to become businessman or an engineer. If he is reluctant to tell you, call him, I will speak to him.” Hearing this, both husband and wife became silent. The man again asked them to call the boy. The husband said,” Sir, the son is not yet born.” This is exactly what the (so called) men of religion are doing today. One is bent upon running down rather killing the other in the name of God. They are, however, yet to realize God, foster it in their hearts. When we associate God with our lives, nourish it, there is no reason why we should disown to try to run down one another. All these disputes, bickering and tension will exist only until God dwells in our hearts, until we realize God and have communion with the Almighty. As soon as this occurs, the entire world gets peace and there is joy everywhere.
Realization Of God Is Quite Simple
The realization of God is quite simple and easy. The process can be completed in no time—as soon as a spiritual master shows mercy and reveals the divine truth. Raja Janak received God knowledge in this way. His condition was that the process of knowing God, understanding the difference between the truth and the falsehood, should not take more than the time required for riding a horse, going from one stirrup to the other. When Lord Rama approached Guru Vashishtha, he too was told that God realization require very little time, even less than the time taken to crush a flower. Once we come across the True Master Satguru, God realization takes no time. There are people who follow several kinds of (religious) practices for God realization. The desire is kindled, but the goal is not achieved. Suppose If we want to increase our appetite, some may take lemonade while others may use some others appetizer. Thus the appetite increases. But suppose if the meal does not arrive, the appetizer may cause pain in the stomach or restlessness of the heart. What it means is that appetite, whether created with the help of an appetizer or even it is normal, does require food in both the cases. No doubt some people do possess the appetite, the desire to know God. They do follow the practices like repeated recitation of the name of God, sitting close to the fire, etc. But they do not get peace until they realize God. In other cases, people do not feel the appetite at all. They approach the doctor, who tells them that there must be something wrong with the liver, or the liver is enlarged and that is why they do not feel hungry. Similarly, if you do not feel the desire to know God, you are sick; you must go in for treatment.