Saints always Connect Man With God
Man has no longing for the truth and is more inclined towards achieving the falsehood. Therefore, this benevolent task is performed by saints and sages for the humanity. This task is not an easy but difficult one because at every step there are challenges. It is not easy to make man connect with God and tread the path of Truth. For example, water spontaneously flows downwards, but if it has to be taken upwards it would be a tremendous task. If a water tank on the roof is to be filled, one needs a booster pump and in the absence of a booster pump, buckets filled with water will have to be carried up. Even when pump is available, electricity is needed and it is an expensive proposition. What if there is no current, water can’t be transported up. Hence, it is quite difficult to transport water in the upward direction but for taking it downwards, no effort is required. The worldly temperaments and tendencies spontaneously take man towards his downfall and turn him towards mundane world. With the passage of time these temperaments and tendencies gain strength. To transform such worldly temperaments and tendencies and take these to spiritual heights is not an easy task. But such benevolent tasks are performed by saints and sages and gurus to raise man’s level so that he attains the higher state and gets redeemed here and hereafter, get rids of doubt and delusions due to darkness of ignorance and embellish his life in true sense.
One Should Realize That Every Breath Is So Valuable
Those who are eager to listen to the holy words, know the importance of the same. Hence they are eager to listen such thoughts, otherwise people indulge in slander, speak ill of others and waste their time. However, the desire for hearing praise of God, attending the holy congregation and treading the path of humanism is indeed important. The worldly people have their own priorities and preferences and they are so preoccupied with these that they do not realize that every breath is so valuable, yet they are wasting the same. They are oblivious of the truth that the whole of the wealth of all the world cannot buy even a single breath. Normally, a human breathes 22-23 thousands of times a day. If we multiply it with the number of days, months and years one has lived, it is not possible to ascertain the value of breaths one has wasted, imbibing hatred, enmity, slander, sin, unsurping others, physically and mentally. We spend whole life in giving importance to worldly wealth and possessions, never realizing that God has blessed us with this rare human life, not for such pastime. A poet has aptly said ‘A whole life is insufficient to love, how do people find time for hatred, jealousy and inciting others? Holy beings and scriptures have been drawing man’s attention to that the best act is to realize and identify oneself with God: attaining self realization through God-realization.