God-Realization Can Be Attained Only With The Help Of True Master
We are all family people. We send our children to the school. The book on Arithmetic does not contain the sums alone, the methods to solve them are also given, and solved examples are also there. Even answers are given at the end. In spite of all this, the book being so comprehensive, we never told our children to learn Arithmetic by going through the book alone. In order to learn Arithmetic and understand the Arithmetic-book, we send our children to the Arithmetic-teacher only. Similarly, in order to understand the religious books, in order to know what religion is, we must approach some spiritual master who is familiar with religion. Even the religious books mention that God-realization can be attained only with the help of benevolence of Satguru (True master). Therefore if we have faith in religious books and we want to follow what they teach, we must seek the blessings of Satguru.
Need Of Attending The Congregation
Some people are of the opinion that when God knowledge has already been attained, where is the need for attending the congregation every day? However why do they not think the same way in the case of bath? Why do they not say that they would not take the bath because they had taken the same two days back? Why do they not say so in regard to several activities of life? Why do they not postpone their actions on the plea that they had done the same thing a few days back? We know that if we do not take food regularly, our body will start losing strength and becoming weak. Similarly, if we stop bath, our body will develop bad smell due to which it may catch some disease. In the same way, if you want to keep your mind clean, you must take help from saints.