Color Of Devotion
The color of devotion is the most beautiful and true color in the world. Soaked in the color of devotion, the devotees enjoy the bliss in life. God has created a great variety of colorful trees and plants, flowers and fruits on earth, blue sky, white clouds etc that provide pleasure. But in this colorful world, devotees have given highest importance to the color of devotion to this colorless God with unique complexion. The worldly people celebrate the festival of Holi by putting color on one another but devotees soaked in the color of devotion enjoy Holi by giving importance to one another. Be it the festival of Holi or Diwali, Dussehra or Id, devotees immersed in the color of the abstract God, strengthen humanity. May God bless everyone that they realize the spirit of festivals and lead truly beneficent life, soaked in devotion.
Do Unto Others As You Want Others To Do Unto You
If I want flowers in my path, I shouldn’t throw thorns in the path of others. If one wants others to speak sweetly to him, then one must speak lovingly, avoiding bitter words, not using a language that hurts. Everyone wants good for oneself, but still we are narrow-minded. Like yesterday, I said that we stay just in our shells and don’t reach out to others. Someone asked a women, “How is your daughter-in-law? She replied sarcastically that the daughter-in-law makes her son do daily chores like cleaning utensils, cooking food and washing clothes. When the same person asked how was her son in law? Prompt came the answer that her son in law was too good and didn’t let his wife do the daily chores like cooking food and washing utensils. How our view point changes from person to person e.g. for daughter-in-law and son-in-law, our value systems are different though both are part of the family. That’s how we have narrow thinking and we give credit to a person where need be and don’t hesitate from rebuking the other person. It is our selfishness and inferior outlook besides we are extremely self-centered. That is how this world is! Saints and sages have always been giving these messages to rise above all of this.