In life, where everyone remains a lifelong student, it's
important to contemplate what needs to be learned. Throughout the day, if we observe, our eyes, ears, tongue, and
even our intellect are getting all kinds of inputs/learning experiences. Is it wise and beneficial to learn from
everything? No. we need to take a conscious decision in a discerning manner as to what needs to be embraced and
what needs to be overlooked. This consciousness is crucial in our social and spiritual life, based on the
foundation of divine knowledge.

Often, there's talk of subtle ego, and we often remain
unaware of how pride gradually sneaks into us from a tiny inlet. Be it a big happening or not, we tend to compare
ourselves with others even in a small matter and take pride in our superiority without anyone acknowledging it.
This ego will then certainly make itself at home in our minds, and consequently, Nirankar will as much move away
from us.