Move Towards Self Improvement

If someone has fallen in a quagmire, even a hundred
extending hands to lift him out are of no use unless he extends his own hand to pull him out. If we don't wish to
improve ourselves, considering ourselves to be the best and thinking no one is superior to us, then we won't get
improved. If this thought persists that no one can teach me anything as I teach millions, then we'll ourselves
lose the learning experience in our life.
Transformation Through Love

Transformation in life is not just by way of education,
through academics or through conversation. Even the teaching in a society by way of passing traditions down to the
generations or in other forms, is a boon. However, it's also necessary to question and understand certain
practices that have been blindly followed without reason. If there's something good in them, then it should be
undertaken. Otherwise, practices like dowry, 'sati' with terrifying dimensions we saw passed on to generations.
Yet a need was felt to banish it from society. As a service to the society, everyone must rectify anything that
isn't right in society. But that shouldn't be imposed forcefully that it takes a violent turn. As power is
required only when something is harmful. Otherwise, love is enough to change everything in the world.