Sewa Simran and Satsang are not just three words. They're
the feel of service from within, fondness for God remembrance, a feeling and a communication with this Formless.
Despite these saintly blessings of God, if there is still no improvement in us, then there is big deficiency in us
that we are not able to leverage this opportunity. Thus, it's imperative that all of us take to Sewa, Simran and
Satsang in a right way.

Once a devotee has embraced the light of divine knowledge,
every moment of their life becomes illuminated. Every moment of their lives is spent in devotion. We must immerse
ourselves in love to the extent that love pervades in every particle and love becomes the essence of this
universe. Let everyone's life unfold in the blossoming of divine love. If life is spent in devotion, the mind will
always remain in a state of joy. The devotee believes that the Lord has done everything for their good. It is
complete, and its arrangement is also perfect. If the Supreme is remembered every moment, undoubtedly we are
engaged in devotion. Just as a pilot, in autopilot mode, navigates the aircraft, similarly, a devotee keeps their
faith and attention connected with the Supreme, and all their actions effortlessly align with divine will. May the
Lord shower grace so that, through service, remembrance, and congregational worship, every devotee strengthens
their devotion.