Every smile, Every loving word, Every kind action is a reflection of the beauty of your soul.
Poster Competition Topic - Love All Hate None, Aug 2014

Suhan Ahuja
7 Years

Suhani Ahuja
13 Years

Chirag Ahuja
16 Years

Competition of the Month

Please revisit site in few days till we provide details of COTM for this month.

Thank you !

Topic - Not Assigned

*all fields are required
Date of Birth
Father's Name
Mother's Name
Kids Photo
Content Area
Type description about your creation in content area.
(Max. 3000 characters are allowed.)
Upload from your pc in *.jpg,*.gif or *.png format.
Verification Code

Group A - 7 to 10 years

Group B - 11 to 13 years

Group C - 14 to 16 years

Creation will be displayed on the website kids.nirankari.org with the creation, name, photo and location of kid.
Take your time and do what you do best. Finish off your great ideas in the form of drawing, painting, slogan, poem, story etc as per the competition topic of the month.
Now take photograph from mobile or scanned from scanner of your original physical drawing and painting in .jpg format. Or Type your slogan, poem, story, jokes in ms.word format.
Upload your creation or send by courier with full form details.
  • The creation should be inspirational but not copied from any other artist’s work.
  • The kid should be between age of 1 to 14 years, will have to submit on demand a Passport size photograph and a Proof of student’s identity (school identity card or birth certificate).
  • All entries in the form of paintings, drawings, poem, story, jokes, and slogan are to be presented in a non-controversial and respectful form true to the concept and sentiments of the subject.
  • Kid can submit only one entry. Multiple entries are not allowed by the same kid.
  • The creation should in .jpg and Ms.word format only.
  • File size should not increase 2MB.
  • Image size to upload in pixel is maximum width 816 X height 593 pixels and in inches is maximum width 11.3�? X height 8.2�? (A4 size).
  • Image resolution size in dpi is preferably 72 dpi.
  • The shortlisted kid may be asked to recreate the same painting and asked questions about the creation (painting, slogan, story, poem) by the jury before the final results.
The original physical drawing, painting and slogan, poem, story, jokes etc. can be sent by courier to the address given below. The creation should accompany a document with the name, date of birth, fathers name, mothers name, email address, home address and Photograph of the kid (This shall be published on the website if the submission gets selected for prize). The painting should be in A4 size (width 11.3�? X height 8.2�?) sheet and poem, story, slogan, joke should be neatly written on normal register size notepad. Do not fold the sheet/paper several times. Use A4 size envelope and write Competition of the month or category name (moral story, poem, slogan, jokes or others) on top of the envelope and send it to following address.
Office Of Hasti Duniya
For kids.nirankari.org
Sant Nirankari Mandal,
Sant Nirankari Colony,
Delhi – 110009, India
Ph. - 011-47660200
The competition entries will be judged by jury nominated by His Holiness. Kids.nirankari reserves the right to cancel or disqualify any entry without assigning any reason whatsoever. The decision of Kids.nirankari will be final and binding. The kids and the legal guardians of the kids shall abide by the rules and regulations of the contest. Kids.nirankari reserves the right to use the entries for online promotions, advertisements, re-production, exhibit and any other manner as deemed fit. Kids.nirankari shall not be liable for any damages whatsoever. Kids.nirankari will not be responsible for lost, delayed, illegible, incomplete or mutilated entry or other errors regardless of cause. Kid’s guarantee that the entry submitted in the competition is the kid’s original work and it does not infringe the copyrights or the intellectual property rights of any third party. Kids.nirankari reserves the sole discretion to disqualify entries of kids found to be influencing, manipulating or tampering with the submission or the selection process, providing falsified information or acting in violation of the rules or regulations.
Where is 'Great Bear Lake' found in the world?
  • Canada
  • Japan
  • China
  • India