Take care of your body, it's the only place you have to live.
Why fishermen says he is happy although he doesn’t have much money, big house etc?
How a man learns the value of being honest and also that dishonesty never pays.
Almighty God is always there, to give us everything. We should realise that God does much more for us than we ever imagine.
How Panna Bai saved the life of future king of Mewar?
Do not harm someone even if he harms you. Be good to all.
God is omnipresent. We should worship him everywhere and at all times.
We all have a calling to help others, to love others, to have peace, to be polite etc. This calling is because we all possess a soul which is a part of The Super soul. We get to know about this through True Master. When we get divine knowledge then we satisfy our calling.
The environments we live have more impact on us. So, always live in company of good people.
Learn how tolerance power increases the value and makes precious.
Let’s thank Baba Ji for giving everything.
Which Vitamin helps to heal the wound?
  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin E
  • Vitamin D